Forecasting Software Designed Specifically For the E&P Industry


Discover A New Way To Forecast Financial Results


The Equip© application leverages well-level data, predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence to optimize your forecast and identify ways to enhance shareholder value.


We are reshaping the financial forecasting capabilities of the E&P industry with technology that everyone can use.  Make calculated decisions with added confidence and increased accuracy. 


It's high time accounting and finance teams have access to a cutting-edge software application that allows them to identify and capitalize on unseen opportunities! 

Exploration & Production

Countless variables change every day for an E&P company. Get ready to make more accurate decisions and be certain you're in compliance with covenants and various bank regulations. 


Private Equity

Most PE firms have multiple E&P companies in the portfolio. Gain the ability to quickly combine databases and evaluate what acquired assets would look like based on various assumptions.



It takes most banks ~2 weeks to rerun the entire portfolio at a given price deck for Redetermination or Stress Test purposes.  Leverage a platform that can complete this task in minutes and gain the ability to compare companies by various risk ratings through time.


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interest, but each of you to the interest of others.”
— Philippians 2:3-4 —

Everything we do begins with listening to our client's needs and goals.

Please reach out and let us know how we can help.

E&P Cash Flow Modeling, LLC